News — No-dig gardening

What Are the Best Worms for Vermicomposting?

What Are the Best Worms for Vermicomposting?

Vermicomposting, the name for composting with the help of worms, is a fantastic way to recycle organic waste into nutrient-rich compost for your garden. But not all worms are created equal when it comes to composting! If you’re considering starting your own wormery to harvest the casts for compost, then you need to make sure you choose the right type of worm. Let’s explore some of the most popular composting worms and explain why Dendrobaena worms (Urban Wyrm’s colleagues in the soil) are the top choice. What do vermicomposting worms do? Composting worms differ from earthworms you might find in...

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Do Worm Casts Prevent Pests?

Do Worm Casts Prevent Pests?

Worm castings are incredible for our gardens due to their impressive nutrient content and ability to enhance soil health. But did you know that worm casts also help protect plants from pests?  The natural composition of worm castings (essentially worm poop creates a resilient environment that deters many common pests, offering gardeners an organic alternative to chemical pesticides. They also help suppress common diseases, keeping your plants in good health. In this guide, we’ll explore how worm casts deter pests and suppress diseases, the specific pests and diseases they help control, and how you can use worm casts to strengthen...

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Urban Wyrm Launches New Worm Cast 5L Bag!

Urban Wyrm Launches New Worm Cast 5L Bag!

Since we launched, the demand for our 1 and 2.5-litre revolutionary pure worm cast pouches has been so high that we knew we needed to offer bigger, better-value bags. We’re pleased to announce that you can now buy our pure worm casts in 5-litre bags!

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How to make worm tea with Urban Wyrm’s Worm Casts

How to make worm tea with Urban Wyrm’s Worm Casts

Worm tea is a nutrient-rich liquid fertiliser which can nourish your plants whilst promoting soil health.

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